Hello old friend…

old friends It has been a LONG time since I posted anything on here. It isn’t that I forgot I had a blog, I just had other things that took priority.

One thing I have decided over the past couple weeks is that my writing has to be a priority that comes second to my family…and not much else.

I don’t use this blog to post things that I want to publish, this is really just an outlet for my thoughts and somewhere that I can make sure that I continue to write when I’m not working on a book or a story.

What is posted here is always just my opinion and from time to time I write something that others seem to care about as well. My goal is to write several posts a week during the spring and see if that helps me get a book started. I guess time will tell. Hopefully you will enjoy the journey as much as I do as we walk down this road of life together.

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